CA LIC Facility # 198017635
Accepting Applications

All children who enter Sunnyside School House must be 2 years old in the school year of which they enter Sunnyside School House. Sunnyside School House requires children begin potty training before they start preschool. Sunnyside will assit in potty training children 2-3 years old for an additional fee of $30/month.
Once your child is enrolled in our program there are a number of forms that are required BEFORE your child may attend Sunnyside School House
*download handbook below

Tuition & Fees
2023-2024 School Year Tuition
Early Bird Fees
$15/ single day-Drop-in rate (24 hr. notice required) *Dates above must be pre-arranged at the start of the month before the next billing cycle.
Student Fee
A student Fee is due at the time of enrollment. Your child spot in the program will not be held until the student fee is received. The student fee for our regular school year program is $200. The fee for our Summer Camp is $50 for children enrolled in our regular upcoming school year, $100 for children not enrolled in the regular upcoming school year.
Tuition Policies
Families may choose to pay tuition: • Annually- One payment for the entire 10-month preschool year due September 1st. • Quarterly- 4 payments made every 3 months over a 12-month period. • Monthly- Tuition is paid on the first day of the month for the entire 10-month school year. Any payment that is made after such date will be fined an additional $5.00 for every day it is late. Sunnyside School House is a 10-month preschool that runs from September through June with two summer sessions offered in the months of July and August. It is understood that any family that is enrolled at Sunnyside School House agrees to the commitment of our 10-month regular school year program. If for any reason you choose to take your child out of school, you will be billed for the additional months your child does not attend. Once your child is withdrawn from school your child’s spot will forfeit. No credit will be given for sick days, vacation, or days Sunnyside School House is closed.
When can I enroll my child at Sunnyside School House Preschool?We start enrolling children at age 2, but that is just part of the requirement. Children must be emotionally and physically ready for preschool. We believe that for the preschool experience to be successful your child must be able to meet some of their needs on their own such as, putting away their belongings, washing their hands and putting their shoes on themselves. Skills like these require a certain level of physical and emotional maturity that come with time and experiences, not just age.
What is the enrollment process at Sunnyside School House Preschool?We start our enrollment for the following school year in March. Perspective families are encouraged to attend one of our Open Houses in January and February. Submitted applications will be reviewed, and available spots will be confirmed in March. Applications are due by March 1 in order to have priority enrollment and first choice of schedule. Families will receive confirmation of enrollment and registration materials after March 1. A $200 student fee must be received in order to hold a spot for a child after a family receives confirmation of enrollment. Children enrolled in the upcoming school year re required to attend at least two weeks of Summer Camp in the months of July-August or pay the difference of.
How old does my child have to be to enroll to Sunnyside School House Preschool?All children who enter Sunnyside School House must be 2 years old in the school year of which they enter Sunnyside School House. Sunnyside School House requires children begin potty training before they start preschool.
Does my child need to be potty trained to attend Sunnyside School House Preschool?We encourage all children that attend Sunnyside School House to be potty trained by the time they are 3 years old. Sunnyside will help in potty training children ages 2-3 years for an additional fee of $30/month. At school we start introducing potty training at age two and require that the family of the child do at home as well. We require that children that are not potty trained by the age of 3 have a parent or guardian come and change the child when more that 3 accidents have happened in once school day. Children that consecutively have accidents at school after the age of 3 may be asked to return to school once the child is fully potty trained.
What happens if I'm running late to pick up my child?Departure/Pick-up Times: 12:30 Half Day // 2:30 Full Day We understand that pick up time can be an opportunity for some parents to socialize, but we kindly request that arrangements be made to visit away from school property. Upon pick up we ask that you exit promptly and do not loiter on the porch or in the front yard/driveway of the school. THESE AREAS ARE NOT DESIGNATED FOR PLAY IN OUR FACILITY PLAN WHICH IS A LICENSING REQUIREMENT MONITORED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Late pick-ups are disruptive for your child and our staff. Please call if you find you will be later than normal so we can alert your child. In order to discourage late pick-ups, the following policy has been established. Any family who picks up their child after their designated pick-up time will be assessed a late pick-up fee ($10). The late fee is imposed after the first 10 minutes or any portion thereof for each child. After 30 minutes, you will be charged for Stay and Play. If there are more than three late pick- ups in a calendar year, this may be cause for termination of services.
What should I do if my child is feeling or begins to feel ill?Health is an important factor at Sunnyside School House. If children are ill, they are much more comfortable at home. We can care for your toddler unless they have an illness that is accompanied by yellow discharge from nose, fever, vomiting, severe irritability or diarrhea. A child who becomes ill during the school day will be made comfortable until the parent can be notified, and the child can be picked up from school. If medication needs to be given during the school day, written authorization on a Medication Consent Form (LIC 9221) from the Dept. of Social Services needs to be filled out by the parent. This form may be obtained from the staff. Do not leave medications, sunscreen or lip balm in the child’s backpack. Always gives these items to the staff to keep in a locked cabinet. If your child comes down with a contagious disease, please tell the staff so the other parents can be notified. Please refer to our COVID Procedures for further information on our policies regarding testing and quarantine.
Are parents required to volunteer at Sunnyside School House?Parents are not required to volunteer as a part of their enrollment at Sunnyside. Families are required to contribute to class activities such as party’s and special events with donations.
How do you handle discipline at Sunnyside School House Preschool?At Sunnyside School House Preschool we use each problem as a teaching moment. When problems arise, and they often do at this age, we take the children involved and have a “Think about it”. During a “Think about it” the children discuss what the problem behavior was, why it was an unkind choice, and identify the kind choice to practice. After we practice the kind choice, we shake hands (or hug (: ). Parents of the children involved are informed about the behavior at the end of the school day. If a child is having multiple “Think about its” during the school day or has caused consecutive physical harm to another child or adult at Sunnyside, the child’s parents will be called, and the child will need to be picked up from school immediately. If a child needs to be picked up more than 3 times Sunnyside School House may determine if it is necessary to end enrollment.
What does a “Multiage Group” setting mean?Sunnyside School House Preschool believes that the social and intellectual benefits of a mixed-age group of 2’s, 3s, 4s, and 5s outweigh those of a single age classroom. In a Mixed Age Group (compared with same-age groups), children: · are more likely to be seen as individuals by the teacher · are less likely to be rushed to conform to whole group rules and routines · are less likely to be compared with and pressured to be at the same place as age-mates on developmental milestones Mixed Age groups offer older children in the group opportunities to: · exhibit leadership (less confident children feel less threatened when attempting leadership roles in mixed-age groups) · develop nurturing behaviors · develop cooperative behaviors · practice and polish social skills with younger friends so these skills are used with greater confidence with their own age mates · practice self-regulation · sharpen communication skills · strengthen their abilities to “explain” · learn graceful ways to respond to demands of younger children · gain perspective · appreciate the efforts of younger children · be flexible Mixed Age Groups offer younger children in the group opportunities to: · learn nurturing, cooperative behaviors from the examples of older children · learn to appreciate their own capabilities and accept their own limitations · sharpen communicative skills by taking note of the characteristics of others around them · participate in more complex play · learn about taking turns and other rules of play · observe more mature problem-solving behaviors In multi-age classrooms, a teacher is more likely to see a child as an individual rather than just a member of a classroom group. Having a multi-age classroom situation allows the teacher to observe a child’s growth over a two-year to three-year period. There is less need for a “getting to know you” period each fall. A family unit is an excellent example of a multi-age group, and at Sunnyside School House Preschool we become an extension of a child’s family. A Family of Learners.
Is Sunnyside School House a year-round preschool?Sunnyside School House Preschool is a 10-month program (September-June) with a Summer Camp offered in the month of July and August. All families are required to pay the 10-month regular school year tuition as a part of their enrollment agreement. If a family requests to withdraw their child from Sunnyside School House Preschool, they are required to pay the balance of their 10-month tuition unless it is caused by a life event (move/death). One month’s billing cycle is required before leaving in the case of a life event.
What does the average school day look like?Regular Day Schedule: 8:00am-8:30am Early Bird Drop Off* 8:30am-9:00am Arrival/Free Play 9:00-9:30 Circle Time/Morning Meeting 9:30-9:40 Wash-up for Snack 9:40-10:00 Snack 10:00-10:30 Group 1 Learning Activity/Group 2 Craft/Free-Play 10:30-11:00 Group 2 Learning Activity/Group 1 Craft/Free-Play 11:00-11:15 Finish-up/ Whole Group Free Play 11:15-11:30 Clean-up for Lunch 11:30-12:00 Lunch 12:00-12:15 Pack up to go home 12:15-12:30 Storytime/Closing Circle 12:30 Regular Day Pick-up 12:30-2:30 After School Enrichment/Stay and Play
Are there any extra student fees at enrollment?Student Fee A student Fee is due at the time of enrollment. Your child spot in the program will not be held until the student fee is received. The student fee for our regular school year program is $200. The fee for our Summer Camp is $50 for children enrolled in our regular upcoming school year, $100 for children not enrolled in the regular upcoming school year.
What are the tuition policies?Tuition Policies Families may choose to pay tuition: • Annually- One payment for the entire 10-month preschool year due September 1st • Quarterly- 4 payments made every 3 months over a 12-month period. • Monthly- Tuition is paid on the first day of the month for the entire 10-month school year. Any payment that is made after such date will be fined an additional $5.00 for every day it is late. Sunnyside School House is a 10-month preschool that runs from September through June with two summer sessions offered in the months of July and August. It is understood that any family that is enrolled at Sunnyside School House agrees to the commitment of our 10-month regular school year program. If for any reason you choose to take your child out of school, you will be billed for the additional months your child does not attend. Once your child is withdrawn from school your child’s spot will forfeit. No credit will be given for sick days, vacation, or days Sunnyside School House is closed.
What are the school hours?Days: Monday through Friday (exception to your tuition plan) Hours: 8:30am-12:30pm
What should I do as parent, when it comes to Arrival/Drop Off time?The morning arrival time is structured to allow the children to have free choice activities so that staff can spend a few moments greeting each parent and child. - Please escort your child to the entrance of Sunnyside School House. - Help to see that his/her belongings are handed to the attending staff. - Avoid rushing. It is important for your child to start the day happy and relaxed. - Please do not leave until a staff person has received your child. We ask that you say goodbye to your child at the gate and not enter the play yard with them. A staff member will help them put their belongings away and get settled. Circle time and our daily activities begin promptly at 9:00am. We ask that you drop your child off within the arrival time period to avoid any delays or disruptions to our learning activities.
How are children grouped throughout the school day?At Sunnyside we work in whole group and small group settings throughout the school day. Small group activities are designed to have one beginning level skill and one intermediate/advanced level skill. Child groupings are based and ability not age. The teachers gauge children’s ability with observations and work samples collected over time. A California State standard aligned Kindergarten curriculum program is offered for children aged 5-6.
What is the yearly tuition fee?
Are there any extra fees for Early Bird hours?You can sign up your kid for Early Bird hours (8:00 - 8:30 am) Subject to a monthly fee, according to the days you sign up for. There is a $15/ single day-Drop-in rate (only applicable with a 24 hr. notice) *Dates must be pre-arranged at the start of the month before the next billing cycle.